No te preocupes, nosotros te ayudamos a encontrarlo. Llámanos al 858993543 y te atenderemos personalmente. O visítanos físicamente en nuestra tienda de Granada, ubicada en la calle Obispo Hurtado 11, bajo - Local 4.
Los gastos de envío son de 15€, salvo que tu pedido supere los 200€, en tal caso los gastos te saldrán GRATIS.
Prolong the lifespan and quality of tone with Fast Fret - Guitar String Lubricant! With its easy to use applicator, Fast Fret is ideal for all stringed instruments.
This lubricant cleans strings as well as brightening the sound and prolonging fingerboard life. Fast Fret can be wiped off easily and will not damage, soil or stain the finish of the strings.
Envíos GRATIS a partir de 150€ Leer más
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Telf: 858993543
Prolong the lifespan and quality of tone with Fast Fret - Guitar String Lubricant! With its easy to use applicator, Fast Fret is ideal for all stringed instruments.
This lubricant cleans strings as well as brightening the sound and prolonging fingerboard life. Fast Fret can be wiped off easily and will not damage, soil or stain the finish of the strings.
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